initialize MethodStatic

Call this method to initialize the Markup system. It asynchronously loads the MarkupTools namespace for the prompts and tool names for the Markup system, and also registers all of the Markup tools.

initialize(): Promise<void>

note This method is automatically called every time you call MarkupApp.start. Since the Markup tools cannot start unless there is a Markup active, there's really no need to call this method directly. The only virtue in doing so is to pre-load the Markup namespace if you have an opportunity to do so earlier in your startup code.

note This method may be called multiple times, but only the first time initiates the loading/registering. Subsequent calls return the same Promise.

Returns - a Promise that may be awaited to ensure that the MarkupTools namespace had been loaded.

Defined in

Last Updated: 05 June, 2020