lookAtViewAlignedVolume Method

Look at a volume of space defined by a range in view local coordinates, keeping its current rotation.

lookAtViewAlignedVolume(volume: Range3d, aspect?: number, margin?: MarginPercent): void

see ViewState.lookAtVolume

Parameter Type Description
volume Range3d The new volume, in view-aligned coordinates. The resulting view will show all of the volume.
aspect number The X/Y aspect ratio of the view into which the result will be displayed. If the aspect ratio of the volume does not
match aspect, the shorter axis is lengthened and the volume is centered. If aspect is undefined, no adjustment is made.
margin MarginPercent The amount of "white space" to leave around the view volume (which essentially increases the volume
of space shown in the view.) If undefined, no additional white space is added.

Defined in

Last Updated: 05 June, 2020