ViewDetails3d Class


Encapsulates access to optional 3d view details stored in JSON properties.



Name Type Description
allow3dManipulations Accessor boolean Controls whether viewing tools are allowed to operate on the view in 3 dimensions. Beta

Inherited properties

Name Type Inherited from Description
aspectRatioSkew Accessor number ViewDetails The aspect ratio skew (x/y, usually 1.0) used to exaggerate the y axis of the view.
auxiliaryCoordinateSystemId Accessor Id64String ViewDetails The Id of the auxiliary coordinate system for the view.
clipVector Accessor ClipVector | undefined ViewDetails Clipping volume for the view.
gridOrientation Accessor GridOrientationType ViewDetails The orientation of the view's grid.
gridSpacing Accessor XAndY ViewDetails The grid spacing for the view.
gridsPerRef Accessor number ViewDetails The number of grids per ref for the view.

Defined in

Last Updated: 05 June, 2020