PolylineOps Class

PolylineOps is a collection of static methods operating on polylines.


Name Description
compressByChordError(source: Point3d[], chordTolerance: number): Point3d[] Static Return a simplified subset of given points.  
compressByPerpendicularDistance(source: Point3d[], maxDistance: number, numPass: number = 2): Point3d[] Static Return a simplified subset of given points, omitting points if close to the edge between neighboring points before and after  
compressShortEdges(source: Point3d[], maxEdgeLength: number): Point3d[] Static Return a simplified subset of given points, omitting points if very close to their neighbors.  
compressSmallTriangles(source: Point3d[], maxTriangleArea: number): Point3d[] Static Return a simplified subset of given points, omitting points of the triangle with adjacent points is small.  
edgeLengthRange(points: Point3d[]): Range1d Static Return a Range1d with the shortest and longest edge lengths of the polyline.  

Defined in

Last Updated: 05 June, 2020