BSplineWrapMode Enumeration

Enumeration of the possible ways of converting a "periodic" knot vector to an open knot vector. None (0) ==> no wrap possible OpenByAddintControlPoints (1) ==> wrapped by adding poles OpenByRemovingKnots (2) ==> wrapped by deleting extreme knots.


Name Value Description
None 0 No conversion to periodic
OpenByAddingControlPoints 1 Convert to periodic by removing control points. This is typical for closed bcurve constructed by control points with maximum continuity.
* Knots stay the same in open and periodic form.
* Periodic form omits {degree} control points.
OpenByRemovingKnots 2 Convert to periodic by adding special knots. This is typical of closed bcurve constructed as exact circular or elliptic arc
* 2 knots on each end are omitted in open form
* poles stay the same.

Defined in

Last Updated: 05 June, 2020