PropertyEditor Specification

This specification allows specifying a custom property editor and its parameters.


Name | Required? | Type | Default | Meaning -|-|-|-|-|- editorName | Yes | string | | Name of the custom editor. parameters | No | PropertyEditorParameters[] | [] | Parameters for the editor.


Parameters allow to further customize the chosen editor.


The JSON parameters are the most flexible type of editor parameters as they simply allow sending an arbitrary JSON object which the editor receives.

Name | Required? | Type | Default | Meaning -|-|-|-|-|- paramsType | Yes | "Json" | | Type of parameters object. json | No | any | undefined | Arbitrary JSON sent to the editor.


Parameters that are intended for text editors that support multi-line display.

Name | Required? | Type | Default | Meaning -|-|-|-|-|- paramsType | Yes | "Multiline" | | Type of parameters object. height | No | number | 1 | Number of lines.


Parameters for numeric or date editors that support ranges.

Name | Required? | Type | Default | Meaning -|-|-|-|-|- paramsType | Yes | "Range" | | Type of parameters object. min | No | number | undefined | Minimum value of the range. max | No | number | undefined | Maximum value of the range.


Parameters for editors that support slider display.

Name | Required? | Type | Default | Meaning -|-|-|-|-|- paramsType | Yes | "Slider" | | Type of parameters object. min | Yes | number | | Minimum value that can be set. max | Yes | number | | Maximum value that can be set. intervalsCount | No | number | 1 | Count of intervals. isVertical | No | boolean | false | Is slider vertical.


  "editorName": "Slider",
  "parameters": [{
    "paramsType": "Slider",
    "min": 0,
    "max": 100

Last Updated: 21 May, 2020