iModel.js Plugins

A Plugin is a separate JavaScript module that is loaded on demand into an iModel.js frontend. It is compiled and webpacked using the buildIModelJsModule script. The build process creates a tar file that includes a manifest, the webpacked plugin, and the associated resources.

A Plugin has access to all exported classes in the iModel.js host environment. In all iModel.js hosts, that will include the exports of bentleyjs-core, geometry-core, imodeljs-i18n, imodeljs-clients, imodeljs-common, imodeljs-quantity, and imodeljs-frontend. In hosts that use the iModel.js user interface classes, it will also include the exports of ui-core, ui-components, ui-ninezone, and ui-framework. In hosts that are designed to format and display EC data, the presentation-common, presentation-components, and presentation-frontend modules will be available as well. An example host is Design Review, which includes all of the modules above.

Loading Plugins

A Plugin can be loaded by calling the loadPlugin static method of the PluginAdmin class. An ImmediateTool is provided that allows a user to initiate Plugin loading using the "Plugin <pluginName> [argument list]" keyin.

When the PluginAdmin loadPlugin method is called, it initiates loading of the designated Plugin. The Plugin is loaded as a typical JavaScript script, so any code that is outside the definition of a function or class is immediately executed. By convention, a Plugin defines a "main" function and executes that main function as the last line in the script. Generally, the only responsibility of the main function is to instantiate the subclass of Plugin defined therein and register it with the PluginAdmin. Here is an example:

declare var PLUGIN_NAME: string;

// define and run the entry point
function main() {
  PluginAdmin.register(new MeasurePointsPlugin(PLUGIN_NAME));


In the code above, note the declaration of PLUGIN_NAME. This variable is converted to an actual string when your Plugin is webpack'ed as described below. PLUGIN_NAME is used by the PluginAdmin to keep track of currently loaded Plugins.

Building Plugins

The code for the Plugin is typically transpiled to JavaScript and then converted to a loadable module with webpack. It is then packaged into a tar file, along with a manifest and all the resources that it needs. The manifest records the required versions of iModelJs system modules as well as other information needed by the Plugin loader. Those steps (and others that might be required), are sequenced by the buildIModelJsModule script. See Building iModel.js Modules for a full description of building a Plugin.

The versions of iModel.js packages that are required by the Plugin are extracted from the "dependencies" key in the package.json file that is in the root directory of the package that contains the Plugin source. Each iModel.js module from which classes or functions are imported should appear in that dependencies key, along with the version number as is required by npm.

Plugin startup

Plugins are loaded by the PluginAdmin class. The "main" function in the Plugin code should instantiate and register the Plugin as illustrated above. The PluginAdmin.register method checks whether the iModel.js runtime environment is compatible with the Plugin's requirements. If not, an error is displayed to the user (and a list of the errors encountered is returned from the call to PluginAdmin.register) and the Plugin can proceed no further. If the validation succeeds, the onLoad method of your Plugin subclass is called. The argument to the onLoad and onExecute method is an array of strings. The first member of the array is the plugin name. A typical use of the onLoad method is to register any tools that the Plugin provides. Here is a simple subclass of Plugin:

class MeasurePointsPlugin extends Plugin {
  private _measureNamespace: I18NNamespace | undefined;

  public constructor(name: string) {
    this._measureNamespace = undefined;

  public onLoad(_args: string[]): void {
    // don't register the namespace and the tool until the onLoad method. That's called after we know the versions of the modules required are good.
    this._measureNamespace = IModelApp.i18n.registerNamespace("MeasureTool");
    this._measureNamespace.readFinished.then(() => { MeasurePointsTool.register(this._measureNamespace); })
      .catch((err) => { console.log(err); });

  public onExecute(_args: string[]): void {
    // don't start the tool until the localized strings are available.
    this._measureNamespace!.readFinished.then(() => {
      // start the tool."Measure.Points");

The Plugin subclass' onExecute method is called immediately after the call to onLoad. The difference between onLoad and onExecute is that onExecute is called each time PluginAdmin.loadPlugin is called for the same plugin. Therefore, anything that need be done only once (such as registering a Tool), should go into the onLoad method and everything that should be done each time the Plugin is loaded (in this case, starting the registered Tool), should be done in the onExecute method.

Loading Plugins on Application Startup

When an application opens the first view of an iModel, the Plugin Administrator examines user settings, application settings, and the application's Config.App to assemble a list of plugins that should be loaded automatically. The plugin lists from user and application settings are retrieved by the SettingsAdmin. The PluginAdmin class includes two methods, addSavedPlugins and removeSavedPlugins to manipulate that list for either the user or the application settings. The methods should be called with the settingName argument of "StartViewPlugins" to manipulate the startup plugins. Any user can save plugin specifications for his or her personal use, but saving plugin specifications to be processed for all users of the application requires administrative privileges.

In addition to plugin lists stored in SettingsAdmin settings, the application's configuration can specify such a list. The PluginAdmin calls Config.App.get("SavedPlugins.StartViewPlugins"), and if it returns a string, it is interpreted as a list of plugins separated by semicolons. To pass arguments to the plugins as they are loaded, separate the arguments from the plugin name and each other using the pipe "|" character. For example, the following entry in the applications config.json file starts the "safety" plugin with arguments "zone1" and "zone2", and the "visualize" plugin with no arguments:

    "imjs_oidc_redirecturi": "/signin-oidc",
    "imjs_oidc_responsetype": "id_token token",
    "imjs_oidc_scope": "openid email profile organization feature_tracking imodelhub context-registry-service imodeljs-router reality-data:read product-settings-service",
    "SavedPlugins": {
      "StartViewPlugins": "safety|zone1|zone2;visualize"

PluginAdmin attempts to load all plugins in the union of the three plugin lists. Successful and failed loads are reported through the NotificationManager.

Last Updated: 05 June, 2020