searchForClosestPoint Method

Search the range tree for closest facet(s) to spacePoint.

searchForClosestPoint(spacePoint: Point3d, maxDist?: number, searchFacetInterior: boolean = false): undefined | FacetLocationDetail | FacetLocationDetail[]

@returns closest point detail(s) with detail.a set to the distance from spacePoint to detail.point

Parameter Type Description
spacePoint Point3d point to test
maxDist number collect points at no more than this distance from spacePoint. If undefined, return only the closest point.
searchFacetInterior boolean whether to include facet interiors in search. Default is false: just consider facet boundaries.

Returns - undefined | FacetLocationDetail | FacetLocationDetail[]

closest point detail(s) with detail.a set to the distance from spacePoint to detail.point

Defined in

Last Updated: 16 April, 2024